Spiritual Wisdom From Rural India: Sant Mat Teachings of Santji, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharshi Mehi
Unaffected by the West, in rural India spiritual paths such as traditional Sant Mat continue to preserve and communicate the wisdom of the masters about living a spiritual way of life. At the heart of their spirituality is the meditation practice known as Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga). There are references to this form of meditation dating back to the time of the Upanishads and other ancient scriptures, also more recently with the various Sant movements populated by bhakti poet-mystics and spiritual masters such as Sant Namdev, Guru Kabir, Guru Nanak, Sant Ravidas, Sant Dharam Das, Sant Tukaram, Sant Dadu Dayal, Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Goswami Tulsi Das, Sant Tulsi Sahib, Sant Radhaswani Sahib up to the living present. Today we explore the teachings of Santji, Baba Devi Sahab, and Maharshi Mehi Paramhans about successful meditation practice and the journey of the soul back to God.
"It is the highest duty of every individual to acquire experiential knowledge of this Sound and to investigate or explore the Origin or Source from where this Sound flows out." (Baba Devi Sahab)
Do attend Satsang every day,
Internal as well as external Satsang.
Listen and read spiritual literature for external Satsang,
Unbroken trance is the internal Satsang.
Practice meditation with your eyes closed,
Sitting motionlessly quite easily posed.
O traveler! If you wish to go alone on
the path of the Lord,
Look for the path within and do
not delay;
The four spheres of darkness, Light,
Sound and Soundlessness --
They all lie within the temple of your
-- Padavali of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans
Santji: "We do not do enough Simran... If we do Simran all the time, the amount of Simran which we are supposed to do can be done very easily, and after that when we sit for meditation -- since before we sit we would have done our Simran at once our soul will withdraw from the body and we will start hearing the Sound Current by itself. But because we do not place enough emphasis on Simran, that is why when we sit for meditation all our time is spent in just collecting our thoughts, and because we lack in Simran that is why we hardly withdraw our soul from our body."
"Nowadays, what do people do? Whenever they have done a little bit of Simran during the day, and when their mind is a little bit quiet and still, then the Sound Current which they hear is very melodious and they like it, and sometimes they feel a little bit of withdrawal. Other times, when their mind is not quiet and they have not done enough Simran, then no doubt they hear the Sound Current, but still the Sound Current is not able to pull them up."
"If we have done a lot of Simran and if we have brought our soul to the Eye Center, then our soul gets on the Shabd or the Sound which is coming there, which we hear there, and we are able to reach our Real Home. If we hear the Sound Current after perfecting our Simran and after reaching the Eye Center, that Sound Current or that Shabd will definitely pull us up, and we will like that very much." (The Light of Ajaib)
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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